Answers to your questions

Frequently asked questions


What is your pricing structure?

Do you offer differential pricing for university, corporates/advisory firms, and other types of organizations?

Do you offer custom pricing for large organizations, or those with complex organizational structures?

How much does an annual subscription cost?

Can I purchase access to a single law or subset of available laws?

Do you offer student pricing?

Do you offer discounted pricing?

How much does access cost?


Do you offer memberships for individuals not affiliated with an organizaton (i.e. a company, university, research organization, etc.)?

Do you offer trial memberships?

Can I download legislation from your repository?

Can I keep copies of legislation after my membership has expired?


Can I reprint your legislation in my own publication?

I am a law firm. Can I provide a copy of your legislation to one of my clients?

source provenance

Can you provide me with detailed source provenance for a single/several source(s)?

Is the legislation you provide in host country languages considered "official" (i.e. does it constitute an official text that would be valid in a court of law)?

Is all of your legislation sourced directly from host country governments?

Where do you source translated legislation?

What does "Year passed" and "Year Promulgated" indicate?

Source Availability

Can you confirm if a particular law (or several) are included in your repository either before or after I sign up?

Can you provide me with a complete downloadable list of the legislation in your archive?

Legal Matters

Where can I find your disclaimer, terms of use, and legal notice?